Clicking on an area of the map where there are soil data () will retrieve soil information.
Soil map for the parts of Canterbury that do not have S‑map data and are not part of the Department of Conservation estate.
The map improves on the the Land Resource Inventory (LRI) information by altering the polygon linework to better match the landscape. The soil labels have been corrected and matched to a representative S‑map sibling.
Clicking on an area of the map where there are soil data will retrieve selected soil information about that area, displaying the resultant information in a table in the top-right corner of the map.
The About and Provenance sections contain information regarding the background and methods used to create the data.
If you were looking for New Zealand's new soils database, "S‑map", it can be accessed through S-map Online. When completed, S‑map will provide a seamless digital soil map coverage for New Zealand.