Historical Imagery Register (HIR)

Search an address or place to find historic imagery

 Auto refresh photos from map
{{Datafiltered.length}} results (filtered from {{Data.Images.length}})
Showing photos from {{arrayMinMax(Datafiltered,'min')}} Showing photos from {{arrayMinMax(Datafiltered,'min')}} to {{arrayMinMax(Datafiltered,'max')}}
{{CustomDate(image.datetaken, photoDateFormat) }}
{{CustomDate(image.datetaken, photoDateFormat) }}

Once your zip is ready to download an email will be sent to this address.

{{CustomDate(image.datetaken, photoDateFormat) }}
{{CustomDate(image.datetaken, photoDateFormat) }}

{{CustomDate(imageDetail.datetaken, photoDateFormat)}}

Taken by: {{imageDetail.takenby}}


Record ID: {{imageDetail.recordno}}

Comments: {{imageDetail.comments}}

center & move map to location

Note that the photographs have been mapped to varying degrees of accuracy, time and the markers may therefore not represent the exact field of view, location or time of the image.
Creative Commons License CC BY {{imageDetail.owner}}
© Copyrighted by {{imageDetail.owner}}